
Wednesday 10 July 2019

Does Mahoney departure say more about AFCB than anything else?

The rumours were true that Connor Mahoney is off to Millwall. While AFCB have a culture of bringing on young players, it appears that this one didn't live up to expectations and that Mahoney is better off in the Championship, where he can get regular games.
Mahoney departs AFCB.
There was very little sentiment in the club's farewell statement on Connor but the player has really been basically an AFCB player in name only with loan periods at Barnsley and Birmingham. It was probably good for Mahoney that his skill has been identified by another club that is going to make better use of him.

I do hate to think that AFCB has become a club that can harvest players that seem perfect for the squad one minute, but as soon as they sign look like they have Mount Everest to climb to get into the team. The task of recruitment is not easy and it will be intriguing to see if Lloyd Kelly is in a much stronger position than Mahoney was as an U21 international. But even Emerson Hyndman who had won caps for Canada at U23 and senior level struggled to fit in and is now playing his football in Atlanta, while Brad Smith looks set to also stay in the MLS.

The number of players not making AFCB their permanent home after a move to the club has been escalating in recent years. It is becoming like catching fish and those you don't want are thrown back in. 

In the meantime, I'd like to see AFCB getting players through their youth ranks and into the first team, but how long can we hold on to players like Jack Simpson who has done everything right and deserves his opportunity to play games now?

Good luck Connor Mahoney at Millwall, some of us would have liked to have seen you get more of a chance at AFCB.


  1. Strange article. Plenty of clubs sign players that for whatever reason don't work out. With regards to AFCB, the likes of Lewis Cook, David Brooks and Josh King to name but a few have been signed and are having very good careers. I struggle to see your point?

    1. My article was about Mahoney - why did we sign him in the first place? Was it just a gamble that did not come off? I don't remember him playing that badly when he did get a game.

  2. I don't normally bother to comment on articles but this is a rather poor view that makes a mountain out of a molehill. Out of all the clubs in the Premier League, Bournemouth must be top or near it for minutes given to both young and English players.

    Since being promoted, we have bought at least 9 players from the Championship or below - name one other club that has done that?

    Out of those, Mepham, Cook, King, Brooks have all become regular first team players and it is too early to judge Kelly and Stacey and Mings suffered with injury so apart from Mahoney and Hyndman who have clearly not progressed as we would have hoped - that is not the clubs fault and I am surprised a true fan would take that view.

    1. While I have questioned the number of young players being signed by the club, I see that many fans take a different view which is fine, as long as they are patient. But I know expectations are as high as they have ever been at AFCB and young players often need more time to meet expectations.

      I think Mahoney is a good player, as do many fans at Birmingham City and perhaps soon Millwall fans.

  3. Somewhat surprised by this, though talented wingers seem to be emerging from the Championship (eg James, Clarke) and Bournemouth possibly feel more opportunities will emerge. Perhaps the player was insistent on playing time, which made the situation difficult or impossible.

  4. Yeah, I am just confused why Mahoney didn't get more of a go at AFCB.

