
Tuesday 20 August 2019

AFCB have a midfielder unafraid to shoot

There was every need to throw Harry Wilson into the starting line-up against Aston Villa. Bournemouth had been short of creativity against Sheffield United and the team needed a positive injection of flare in the attacking positions. Harry Wilson delivered against Villa with the kind of goal that made him look every bit as good as David Brooks.
Harry Wilson has started fantastically well for AFCB.
For many seasons Bournemouth have lacked fire power from central midfield. Although Wilson played on the right wing, he wasn't slow to run into the central position when the space arose and unlike many of Bournemouth's players he was willing to take a risk, to strike the ball from distance. It is that kind of confidence and ambition that AFCB will need to break some defences. The ball flew in and Tom Heaton couldn't get near it.

If that is a sign of what is to come from Harry Wilson, then Bournemouth have a very special player on loan. The quality of his shooting is quite exceptional and while he didn't manage to add more goals to his account on the day, he did get into the positions where he could hurt the opposition and with time he will get better at taking such chances I believe.

My only concern is that Harry will prove that he is ready now to play for his parent team and that when he goes back to Liverpool he will be doing those special things against AFCB. What is good to see though is that Chris Mepham is very happy to see his Welsh colleague at the club and no doubt David Brooks will also enjoy having Harry Wilson around. Those are bonds that are already there, and AFCB will gain from those friendships developing.

I am excited to see what else Harry Wilson is going to do this season. He is not here just to fill in, he looks like a star player and one that Bournemouth will find extremely useful this season with his shooting power.

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