
Friday 4 October 2019

Is Fraser ready to play key role against Arsenal?

Last week Ryan Fraser was 'ill' and could not make AFCB's squad. It is quite likely that he did get a winter cold, although he hasn't exactly been flavour of the month at AFCB with his aspiration to join a team like Arsenal. So does he deserve the platform at the Emirates? I'd like to seem him try and prove a point to Arsenal and AFCB fans that he is one of the best wingers in the league.
Ryan - back on duty?
I think Eddie Howe will want to play him if he is fit. Fraser has been well rested and he needs his best players to take on Arsenal. If Bournemouth can get their counter-attacking game going well then they can take this game. Fraser is a crucial part of Bournemouth's attack and when he doesn't play the balance of the team doesn't look as good.

While Fraser has only scored once this season, he creates opportunities and if he can get some determination in his game to take any disappointment he might have about the summer and his start to the season out on Arsenal, he is a good pick to play. It would also free up King to play back up front which I think Howe now has to start thinking about with Solanke still finding goals hard to come by.

It's hard to know what Ryan Fraser will want to achieve this season. He won the big awards last season and this season he has competition for his place. He will clearly want to do as well as he did last season and to have his best ever season, but you can't always just turn it on. This game has a bit of incentive for him though. I'd release the Wee-man and see if he can re-find his game. 

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