
Wednesday 26 February 2020

Bournemouth are still not good enough with possession

No matter how disappointed Bournemouth fans were with the defeat at Burnley and how well the team performed in the first half, the players still made many mistakes and lost possession during the game far too often to help themselves. Burnley broke well for their first goal and the third goal was made from a mistake from Philip Billing on half way.
Bournemouth have to regroup again.
I am not sure why Bournemouth think they can get through games by making as many errors as they did against Burnley and still hope to come out on top. Perhaps a team that takes their chances would be stronger, but there were far too many errors during the game to make me feel comfortable about the way Bournemouth are defending at the moment.

Ramsdale was called upon to make many saves during the game and it is no surprise that he couldn't save the team every time. Simon Francis was out of his depth with Jay Rodrigues and got turned and beaten for pace on several occasions, so it is hard to see why he should keep his place when he is contributing to the problems. Steve Cook also has a habit of getting his hand involved too often when trying to make clearances and was perhaps lucky not to have given a penalty away considering that Adam Smith did give one away for an equally poor clearance.

The possession was good in the first half and there were times when the team looked menacing, but far too often Surman, Billing and Gosling made mistakes in their own half or further up the pitch that led to breaks that could have been punished. Burnley are not a high scoring team, but they managed three goals against Bournemouth and Bournemouth will have to go up against some of the top six teams in the next few weeks. Eddie Howe has to try and get the players to concentrate more and not make so many mistakes when in possession or the outcome will be even more unfavourable than the Burnley result.


1 comment:

  1. Wheels coming off the old trustworthy cart and problem is the new ones are in the repair shop.

