
Friday 28 February 2020

Is 35 points enough for safety this season?

It seems strange that so many teams are finding wins difficult to come by at the bottom of the Premier League. This week was the second week in a row when none of the bottom six managed a win and Brighton were the only beneficiary, by moving a point further clear with their draw against Sheffield United. It does make you winder is 40 points going to be the safety line or can we draw it closer to 35 points this season?
Can AFCB claw themselves away from the bottom three?
Well if the bottom six continue to fail to put points on the board then the situation might not change that much. There will be a few six pointers to come, but most games for the bottom six are against higher table opposition. It looks like there is going to have to be some strange results for various teams to get passed 40 points mark, and Bournemouth need to just start picking up any kind of points to give themselves a real chance of putting themselves out of reach.


I'm not convinced that Norwich City are capable of putting a run of results together to keep them up now, but Watford and West Ham have the ability to beat top sides and Aston Villa will keep motoring along trying to get the odd point and making things as hard as they can for other teams. Bournemouth and Brighton have been looking like they will be caught, but they still sit three and two points above the drop zone, and yet with just one more result going against Bournemouth you'd sense that they would become as highly backed as Norwich City for the drop.

On the other hand a win to take them to 29 points would be a massive step towards safety if those below pick up nothing for another week. It's more a race of attrition as no club looks like escaping the pull of relegation. If it is a slow point accumulator we could see one of the lowest points total on the board with a club still staying up - not a great record to have, but one that any of the bottom six would take right now.

Previous post on Cherry Chimes - Has Surridge been unlucky not to get more minutes?

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