
Friday 20 March 2020

We now know football is a luxury to watch

This week has been surreal. Nobody ever expected the world to be turned upside down with the coronavirus. Now we can see that football was just one of the first things to be suspended and the virus is going much deeper into society now. Football is certainly a luxury item, and while it is great to have a team to follow that other fans also share their love for, there are more important things in life and I hope teams in the Premier League do what they can to help others in society who are less fortunate in this period.
When will we see scenes like this again? The FA hope by the end of April. 
The fact that mass meetings are now advised against makes it difficult for outsiders to go into care homes, schools and places where local communities would have previously met. But football clubs are hopefully supporting the charities that cater for the less fortunate in society now as salaries and wages from workers come under pressure when their businesses are no able to stay open.

We are used to seeing players go and speak with the local community but that is all going to be harder to do now with no usual football life. It will be good to see the richer clubs support their non-league cousins though and those at the bottom of the pyramid will need special help to remain open after this period. AFC Bournemouth has itself shut its club shop to visitors even if it remains as an online service, but it has plenty of infrastructure to know it will be fine as a club after COVID-19 passes.

AFCB is indeed one of the stronger clubs now and those at the top of the club should recognise that they are a club that can share some of its good fortune in times of need. Charity does begin at home and it is good to hear that AFCB are paying wages of those who are now being told to stay at home who offer administration services for the club.


At the end of the day, whether AFCB stay up or are relegated we will still have a club to go and see football at and that is a luxury that even Bournemouth fans didn't think they would have some 12 years ago, and several years previous to that. 


While the FA has announced the football season can be extended indefinitely, matches have been put back to start on 30 April. I have a feeling we wont see football until something like September, but who really knows.

Previous post on Cherry Chimes - AFCB make loss of £32.4m in annual accounts ending 30 June 2019. 

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