
Sunday 12 April 2020

Has Chris Wilder shown Eddie Howe and others a better way to manage?

I think we have to be careful when judging manages of one club against another. For a start they don't have the same players and probably play in different ways, but results are of course the bread and butter of the game, and you'd have to say things have gone rather better for ChrisWilder than most English team manager's this season, including our own Eddie Howe.
Eddie Howe has been well behind the results of Chris Wilder this season.
Does this mean that Eddie Howe should take a leaf out of Chris Wilder's book? Some would say yes, a stronger back line and an ethos of not to concede would surely do wonders for Bournemouth's game. But in trying to do that, it can take away the best part of Bournemouth's offensive game, and in some ways I think that is partly what has happened this season. There has been bad luck and injuries but Bournemouth's defence has worked hard to try and be more effective.

So what has Sheffield United got over teams like Bournemouth? I think they haven't been scared to play their game as they know it. They haven't been overly worried about how other teams might play and set up, but have stuck to their own game plan and looked to repel teams first and then build their game as the minutes go by.


The Blades might not have top strikers or midfielders, but as a unit they are extremely effective. They play for one another and being a team is half the battle. How much team spirit is really at AFCB now is perhaps not as much as Eddie Howe would like us to think there is. There have been problems with players like Jordan Ibe and absentees from the long injury list which hits morale. Morale is great when you are winning, but when one problem is added on top of another and another, things spiral out of control and AFCB have been in that spiral.

Breaking the fall is perhaps possible now with this COVID-19 outbreak, but the strength of AFCB will only be better if they come through the end of this season by escaping the drop. If they fail to do that, then we could see how deep the divisions really have been. It is not a case of other managers having better styles or players all the time, sometimes your club needs to look at home to see where it has slipped up.

Former post on Cherry Chimes - How should we rate Philip Billing's first season at AFCB?


  1. Some truth in these comments. In some ways it started wrong in the first game of the season - against Sheffield United. Instead of playing our usual attacking here at home against a newly promoted side, Eddie matched our formation to theirs. Result, we dropped two critical home points and the season had hardly begun. I felt that was an opportunity missed. Regards. Grahame Sewell.

  2. Chris wilder is a one off mate I'm a blade no magic wand he just inspires the whole club fans players staff the only thing were worried about is losing him UTB

  3. I think that the biggest difference for AFCB in previous seasons and this season is the lack of playing as a unit and a team.

    The fighting spirit for each other was evident in the successful seasons. For some reason, that we all can speculate but will never know, is that this season it is virtually non existent.

    Yes injuries. Yes, lack of quality. Yes, this and that but what kept them up previously is what unfortunately I feel will relegate them this season.

    The lack of fighting spirit for each other and the club.

  4. Would disagree as to the quality of SUFC midfielders.. Fleck possibly player of the season and Norwood ranks as most accurate long passer in entire Premiership. Lindstrom a revelation. It's down to a lot more of than hard work. 😁

