
Sunday 26 July 2020

Can Bournemouth come out smiling at Everton?

Well, here it is. The last day of the season 2029/20 and Bournemouth have to get a win at Everton to have any hope of staying in the Premier League. Bournemouth are not favourites to beat the drop, but they are still in it and all Bournemouth can do is try and win their game.
Will we see last day heroics for Bournemouth?
As fans, we will be going through all the emotions and ups and down in 90 minutes. It would just be typical for Bournemouth to win the game and still not stay up, but we have to cheer the lads on. Getting a first away win in 2020 could yet save the team, and it is great that Bournemouth at least have a chance on the last day, which we didn't think was possible after the Southampton defeat.

While Everton have a great home record, Bournemouth only need to win by a single goal to be in the shake up to stay up. If Bournemouth are level or behind at half-time, we know that our chance of survival is going to be unlikely. But we could also see Bournemouth be ahead and the players desperate to know how the other games are going. The pressure will be intense.

It is possible that Watford, Aston Villa and Bournemouth could all lose their last game and that would be probably the worst way of going down. I kind of feel like we have been waiting for the final curtain for weeks, as Bournemouth haven't done well enough since the restart, but the way the door has stayed open just gives me the crazy feeling that Bournemouth could still do it.
We need to see Bournemouth play as well as they did against Man City to get a result. It is easy to say, but the players know they can play well and Everton are not Man City. The formation shouldn't be a big factor with Everton likely to play 4-4-2, just like Bournemouth tend to do. It is down to motivation and execution on the day. Bournemouth shouldn't need any more motivation than staying in the league, and if the highly unlikely results do come in for Bournemouth we can get ready to have a wild party on Sunday night! UTCIAD!

Previous post on Cherry Chimes Rival Lines: "Ancelotti was not going to turn us into world-beaters overnight," says RBM

If everyone is fit AFCB could line up like this
AFCB Subs: Boruc, Rico, Stacey, L Cook, Gosling, Danjuma, H Wilson, Surman, Surridge
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