
Monday 9 November 2020

Maintaining standards will be AFCB's difficulty this season

We have seen how well Bournemouth can play when they get their heads up and attack teams as they did so well against Birmingham City at St Andrews. The frustration this season that Jason Tindall is becoming more aware of is that Bournemouth are probably their own worse enemies, and if anyone trips the team up it will be themselves. They have the creative skill and talent in the side to storm this division, but they need to maintain their high standards, which is in no way easy for them to do week in and week out.

AFCB show their quality with a 1-3 away win at Birmigham.

It really needed the knockback against Sheffield Wednesday to get the team more focussed on winning games again. They had drifted into games where they expected to win without pushing themselves to their limits and they came unstuck. Against Birmingham City they addressed that and were looking to play Birmingham off the park from the start. It was a sensational first goal and the desire from Lerma to win and keep the ball, and for Junior Stanislas to bide his time before slipping Arnaut Danjuma through on goal. It was Bournemouth back to their best.


Team goals will also do a lot for the confidence of the team and the belief that they can pass their way through teams when they make the right decisions. The third goal against Birmingham City also showed the team working together well by stopping the counter-attack and immediately turning it into an attack of their-own. It was a shame that Dominic Solanke didn't quite manage to slot the ball away, but David Brooks was on hand to make sure and the team will feed off the goal rather than seeing an opportunity escaped them.


Scoring three goals away from home puts Bournemouth back in a good place and the players know they have the shooting power to do well in this league. The difficulty is in being consistent. The team has to be up for the fight every game and now that they are within touching distance of the leaders they need to have the aim to want to be top and to push themselves on now.  

The Disrupted Season (2019-20) completes the story of Eddie Howe's reign at AFC Bournemouth - it's available now for £11.49 as a paperback - visit Amazon to order

Previous post on Cherry Chimes - Bournemouth regain their scoring touch at Birmingham 1-3

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