
Monday 13 May 2013

Dan Seaborne - will Eddie try and sign him?

Dan Seaborne's contract with Southampton is up this summer and he will enter contract negotiations with them in the coming weeks. If it turns out that he cannot come to an agreement with Southampton and Mauricio Pochettino should Eddie Howe look to sign the defender?

Dan Seaborne, 26, joined the Cherries in January and was at first on the bench for the Walsall away game which AFCB lost 1:3. For the next game Dan came into the team at centre back and he remained in the team up to the point when Marcus Painter came in for the Sheffield match in late February. Dan was back in favour though for the next game and kept his place until Tommy Elphick returned to the starting 11 at the end of March for the Colchester away match.

It was a total of 12 starting appearances and five selections on the bench that Dan contributed to AFCB's promotion winning season. It was a loan move that was a positive for him and for AFCB and I expect he learnt a lot from Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall, while he also gave a lot back to the squad in the way of advice as well as his performances on the pitch. I don't think Dan had many bad matches and for someone coming in for such crucial matches in our season he did a valuable job in my opinion.

While our main centre back choice seems to be Cook and Elphick it is likely that we will need strong cover for those positions. Miles Addison remains at the club and offers cover as does Joe Partington who is on a learning curve and we have Stephane Zubar who is recovering from his knee injury, although he is seen more as a full back. 

If Dan is available in the summer he might come into Eddie Howe's thinking, while other fan suggestions have included making a bid for Tranmere's French born Zoumana Bakayago and even making a bid to resign Jason Pearce from Leeds Utd. I wouldn't mind Pearce's younger playing partner, Lee Peltier would be a player to be interested in, I think is only going to get better.

An even bigger name though could be on the cards if AFCB feel that the centre back position is our most vulnerable area with the heading power of forwards like Nugent, Murray and Rhodes lining up against the Cherries - at least we don't have to face them all at once.

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