
Monday 13 May 2013

Did you miss All Departments' podcast Episode One?

Just in case some of you have not noticed the ALL Departments Episode One interview of Cherry Chimes by Michael Dunne on the blog, please go to ALL Departments website at: http://alldepartments.wordpress.com/ where you can listen to it in full. It is also found in the right hand panel on this blog, below the ALL Departments banner picture.The picture will also take you to the podcast and the ALL Departments' website.

Michael says he will write a piece before his next podcast which we will be able to post on Cherry Chimes.

Finally, can I just say a big thank you to all of you have been loyally reading Cherry Chimes. You will see that we gone over 10,000 reader hits today, so thank you very much and keep reading.


1 comment:

  1. When is Eddie going to realise that loyalty only goes so far and that major changes need to be made for next season.

    We are being battered by the top teams...nigh on humiliation and to give ourselves a chance against the top teams ...staying loyal to players he knows ..will not cut it.

    Its hard to be critical...but football is a tough business....I question Eddie transfer policy...he plays he knows...grade and grabban..afObe won't get a look in when Wilson is back..iturbe..just a mystery..young ones andrade never got a sniff...will mins when
    He recovers from injury get a look in

    Eddie needs to be ruthless...distin to go..o Kane macdonald pugh stanislaus cook

    And when he buys in..make sure these boys get a chance..not like rantie..otherwise the word will get around we buy players but don't play them

