
Thursday 18 July 2013

Eddie Mitchell's Premiership ambitions

There are a few sayings that come to mind like "Getting ahead of yourself", and "Runing before you can walk", but in many ways AFCB Chairman Eddie Mitchell's recent comments about AFCB needing to plan ahead for a possible future in the Premiership do need to be considered.

I am okay with the company having a tilt at the Premiership if it is not at all costs and does not land us back in financial ruin. I only hope we take it steady next season and just see how things go before getting too carried away. The Championship is a hard league and has many games that are won and lost in an instance. Getting out of the league is easier down the bottom and we don't want that to happen.

With AFCB's current rate of progress it is not unthinkable that in the next few years it could make the top level of English football just like it could find itself suffering a few relegations. It is the financial balance side of things that has me most worried about having a go at the big time. Maxim Demin will no doubt be pleased if he can achieve a return on his investment at some point, but while the rewards are enormous in the Premiership so are the payouts.

Attracting bigger crowds to Dean Court and dealing with the issues of increased numbers of fans wanting to park near the ground is something that can be worked out, but the club does need to plan ahead for such issues if it is not to be caught out. If so, the building work has only just begun at AFCB and a further transformation will be in store down the line.

When you are playing the likes of Real Madrid at the weekend it's hard not to dream what if some of the time. At least there is a positive buzz with all things AFC Bournemouth. Much of that is because people are working very hard at the club and are trying to keep the success and momentum going.

So rather than shooting any one down for having dreams and ambitions it is refreshing just see how things develop. Who indeed knows where the club will be in a few years time. For the moment I am enjoying where AFCB is today.

For those going to see Poole Town v AFCB tonight enjoy the game. UTCIAD!


  1. I don't think there is a better time than the present to aspire to greater things. Mitchell may sound as crazy as ever, but I don't disagree with his ambitions, mad as they may seem. That said, it will greatly depend on who Eddie can bring in, can the dream of Charlie Austin happen? ok, extremely doubtful, but his signing would certainly show to anyone who doubts the ambition this club has, and send out a statement of intent so large as to have the supporters clambering for the blood pressure tablets (OH, that'll just be me then). The biggest surprise to me, is Maxim is not on the face of it, splashing the cash so to speak, Eddie has his sensible head on as always, and it does leave me wondering what sort of quality he will sign up front, if anyone. I have every faith in the squad as it is, and could easily see a midtable finish, but to see Mitchell, and I dare say Maxim's dream of the Premier League, substantial finds are going to have to be released into the club, through I would imagine sponsorship to get around The Fair Play rules. So we'll wait with interest, it's good to know Mitchell and Maxim are thinking big, how it's achieved will be absolutely fascinating to experience as a hardened supporter used to the will we, won't we have a club next week syndrome!!! UTC

  2. Great comments afcbPete. I will try not to look too closely at the table until December. Let's see where we are then and if a promotion push is on the cards.

