
Thursday 22 August 2013

A mixed bag so far for Surman

I have been impressed and also a bit disappointed with Andrew Surman's contribution so far for the team. There were moments in the first half at Watford when he looked a great player. He linked up well and got in some good positions. I thought he might even be a bit of a goal threat.

Andrew Surman did not play in the Wigan match but
he will want to regain his place. 
Like most he did not have the same impact in the second half that day but there were two instances that really did not do him any favours. The first was Troy Deeney's second goal, where Troy was allowed to run around with Surman always a yard or two behind before he cracked his shot in off the post. The second was when Surman found himself in the box, at the other end, with the perfect opportunity to open his AFCB account, but he managed to get a deflection some how off a Watford player to send the ball out for a corner.

In the Charlton game I thought he was fairly busy in the middle of the park but he didn't jump out as a player that was driving things forward. I expect we will see more of him and he will need to show a bit more authority, taking over some situations when Bournemouth are looking for the quality opening around the box. With Arter already picking up a couple of yellows, the need for Surman to fit in to that midfield well could be very important in upcoming fixtures. We have not seen much of him with Eunan O'Kane yet and I think that pairing would look quite strong in the middle of the park.

If Eddie and Jason can get Surman playing well it will certainly take some of the pressure off of Shaun MacDonald and Harry Arter in particular, who might then find more time on the ball and be able to make his mark in the Championship. Eddie's decision to drop Surman for the Wigan game may well give Andrew the extra incentive to kick on and try and win his place back. 


  1. I am hoping but have no factual evidence that Surman has not been fit, if he plays like he did for us last time we have a diamond, otherwise McQuoid may be the answer.

  2. I think that he is some way from his best but you can see he looks quality on the ball. He is in a good place to rediscover his best form.

