
Thursday 22 August 2013

Making the most of away days

AFCB now has a massive period ahead in terms of trying to get points from away fixtures in the rest of the month. With two league games against Huddersfield and Doncaster and the Capital One tie against Watford it will not be easy to get momentum going but with the great home performances the team has had they should be able to take some confidence from that.

The games against Huddersfield have been titanic ties in the last few years. While most AFCB fans will think back to the 3:3 play-off match at Huddersfield as the game that broke our hearts we should not forget that AFCB did bring to an end Lee Clarke's great unbeaten record when he was at Huddersfield. AFCB tend to play well at the Galpharm stadium which is one of the best in the Championship. I will be asking a Huddersfield blogger how he thinks his team has been doing ahead of the clash with the Cherries.

Oh no, do we really have to go back there?
As for Watford which sandwiches the two league games, I had been in two minds whether to revisit the scene of our ghastly second half performance only a few days ago. The price of the tickets is a big pull factor and I would like to see if Eddie may play one or two of the players who have not really featured much yet like Sam Matthews and Eunan O'Kane, while Josh McQuoid, Mohamed Coulibaly or Matt Ritchie could make a comeback from injury. While it will be good to play most of the players who did not come out of the league game with much credit a few new faces would make it seem less like an action replay and perhaps give Watford some different problems. I've bought my ticket any way, so I am praying that I can come out smiling from Vicarage Road at least once this season.

Then we face Doncaster Rovers. I can already hear their taunts about winning League One last season in the final seconds at Griffin Park. I guess we kind of owe them one especially as they some how managed to beat us 1:2 in that fog laden match last season when Matt Tubbs had done so well to get us back level.

I certainly feel that the Huddersfield and Doncaster games are winnable and would hope that we get some points on the road in the league to wipe out the memory of the Watford away game. As for the Capital One Cup I really think it depends what kind of team Watford put out.

If you fancy predicting which the hardest game AFCB will face in the coming month put a vote in our snap poll (there are just two days left), which is at the top of the right hand column on the blog or Tweet to @peterbell19 which game you are most worried about out of the next six and I'll post your comments.

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