
Wednesday 11 September 2013

Have Howe's new signings made the grade?

It is now a few weeks into the new season and most of us have had a chance to look at the new signings that the club has made over the summer as they try and bed into the side. Eddie Howe always said he would go for some additional experience when making these signings and at the back I would say that Elliott Ward has been the best signing in this respect. While Elliott has had some performances where the odd individual mistake happened, such as when playing Real Madrid and Watford in the Carling Cup, in recent matches he has looked much more the part and is starting dictate play a little more assertively from the back. At times he is also popping up in the opposition's box and I do expect him to find the net at the right end soon.

Ward: 7 out of 10.
Ian Harte has had a more difficult start in my opinion. There has been several times when he has been caught out of position and 'not quite at the races' as they say. But in the match against Watford the other week I thought he did much better and is finding some form. Daniels though is far ahead of him in terms of performances and while Harte may be good from dead ball situations, don't forget that it was Daniels that crossed the ball in for Pitman to get a flick on in the Doncaster game.

Ian Harte: 4 out of 10.
Mohamed Coulibably is a hard one to assess as he has not played many games and was injured early on after doing so well in the Portsmouth and Real Madrid matches. I'd would like to see him get more minutes but the form of both Ryan Fraser and Marc Pugh will make it difficult for us to see much more than second half guest appearances unless he can really start to link up well with the forwards and provide the spark and finishing power to earn him a place. How he does in training will decide if he can catch Howe's eye. It's then probably about consistency of performance for Mohamed if he wants a regular spot.

Mohamed Coulibaly: 6 out of 10.
Andrew Surman has been one player that I did hope we would see better form from. He has the ability and experience but is not yet finding players as well as he might with his passing and he is also yet to score. I do think Eddie Howe likes him though and he seems to be slightly ahead of Eunan O'Kane when being selected although that may change.

Andrew Surman 5 out of 10.
Of course the big signing that we can't wait to judge is Tokelo Rantie. I heard discussions of him not yet having a visa but if he does get clearance will he play against Blackpool or at least be named as a sub? If the international match and travelling have not taken that much out of him then perhaps we will get to see AFCB's highest ever signing in the Cherries strip.

Let Cherry Chimes know who you rank as AFCB's best summer signing, from those you have seen play. 

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