
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sad blow for Henderson

Seeing Stephen Henderson on the floor at the City ground after Simon Cox's late challenge really had me shuddering. It is not something you want to see although incidents will happen in sport. I am not too sure if Cox really meant to do as much damage as he did, and he did come over after a while to apologise to Stephen and no action was taken by the referee on Cox for the matter.

Henderson and Allsop warm up at the City ground before kick off.
For AFCB though it is a cruel blow. Stephen would have been great to have playing in the team until January and there is now a real worry over how bad his shoulder injury is. We will never know if he would have been able to save Lansbury's shot on the day, but Stephen Henderson's absence now is much bigger than missing him for just one match, being out for an expected six months having had a dislocated shoulder. 

Ryan Allsop was turned to by Eddie Howe and it is likely that Ryan will be selected again for the Leceister City game next weekend. I was not alone in thinking that Ryan is still looking as shaky as he was during the Blackburn Rovers match at home. I can't quite understand how he has lost some confidence all of a sudden, but he did not come for crosses and he is still learning to throw out quickly from the back when he seemed so assured last season in League One.

Henderson was looking a great addition to AFCB's squad and it must
be devastating for him to get injured now. 
I would like to see Allsop under more pressure from our other keepers like Jalal and Flahavan and it is important that Darryl gets back to fitness really quickly now.


  1. I like Rocky, he'll be an excellent keeper, but I feel he's struggling at the moment, and Eddie saw this, which is why Henderson was brought in. I'm hoping Eddie can find another replacement. Where as an onfield player can drop a rickett and get away with it, a keeper is totally exposed, mistakes often cost goals. Rocky needs time to become the keeper many of us know he will, but it can't be at the expense of the good work that's being done by others. Henderson gave me a believe again that we would see a quick and accurate distribution, that we had a keeper who would dominate his area. Rocky doesn't do that for me right now. But as always, who ever is ever between the sticks will get my full support, I'll TRY not to get frustrated if Rocky's dilly dallying honest :)

    1. I think Rocky is doing his best and that's all we can ask for. As long as our back four feel confident with him and he is doing what he is told to do by the goal keeping coaches he will get better. It's no doubt a steep learning curve in the Championship. A difficult period will probably only hep his development in the long run. I actually hope Eddie is brave enough to let him carry on as I think he will learn quicker that way. I think we should all support Rocky and let's see if he adds things to his game like catching more crosses and playing the ball out quicker.

  2. As a Forest fan, I find your comments regarding Simon Cox quite inflammatory and certainly unnecessary!

    From where you were sat, it would be impossible to have a clear view and you'd have no idea if there was contact or not. It was a fair challenge to make, hence no free kick, and one that happens throughout the leagues every weekend.

    I have watched the extended highlights on Forest Player numerous times and I am hard pressed to see what Cox did to cause the injury. Contact appears minimal at worst (struggling to see any in fact!) and I am left wondering if he didn't in fact fall awkwardly.

    Regardless of whether it was his fall or Cox's "minimal" contact, to imply that there may have been any intent to injure is a disgrace. Your comment has certainly soured my opinion of Bournemouth fans!

    We had a numpty NFFC fan deriding your club pre-match, but you have managed to score a great on goal yourself - seems like we both have some right plonkers as fans!

    As for the game, you probably deserved a draw (just about), but only due to our inept finishing - 21 shots and only 4 on target is not promotion quality! :o(

    Anyway, wish your keeper well but hope you think twice before spouting off in future!

    PS - If you haven't watched the replays, I suggest you do.... innocuous challenge!

  3. You forgot to publish your name Forest fan. From where I sat it was a collision and I did not feel that Henderson would have been hurt if Cox had not come in. As I said the referee gave nothing so I see it as an accident, but I did think there was contact. You clearly see it differently and that is fine we are all entitled to opinions.

  4. Forest fan, I was at the game and didn't feel there was any contact at the time but then began to think there might have been when Simon Cox came up to the lad and patted him on the shoulder. But football is a contact sport and I thought the appreciation of the Forest fans in applauding him off was great. I also thought it was great that Eddie and his merry men took ( not stole ) a point of the sherriff of Nottingham

    1. AfcbSteve, thanks for commenting. Let's hope that Stephen Henderson makes a speedy recovery. I remember when Purches broke his leg and the players found it hard to continue playing but they managed to get a result in a very difficult game this time. Credit to Forest for being very worthy opponents but AFCB deserve some credit for getting draw, not that Billy Davies was going to say so.

  5. As I said, Peter, my comments are not based upon watching the incident live (although I was there), but repeatedly watching the extended footage online via Forest Player.

    If you have not done the same, then you should. I even asked a work colleague, who is not a Forest fan, and they too struggled to see any contact. Can't be 100%, but either way it was minimal.

    All the above does not change the fact that you saying "I am not too sure if Cox really meant to do as much damage as he did" is very bad form. It carries an unpleasant undertone that implies Cox was trying to hurt/injure, but maybe not as bad as it has turned out. Unacceptable and no apology acceptance or forthcoming from you!

    As for credit for getting a draw, I would agree that credit is due and it was nice to see a team coming to Forest and playing football to the very end; even when losing. Most team come and park the bus! Guess your manager takes the plaudits for that.

    Still think that if Forest were clinical, or had a clinical striker, we'd have cruised to victory. But we weren't, we don't and that is why it was a draw - going to be a tough season for us unless we sort this element out; play-offs at best.

    Enjoy the rest of your season.



    1. Hi Paul, thanks for leaving another comment. I think perhaps you are reading a bit more into my comments than I am actually saying. The AFCB website and SKY news both refer to the incident as "a collision" and that would infer contact to me. I don't think Simon Cox meant any harm and was no doubt trying to get the ball, but Henderson was injured as a consequence. It probably surprised Cox as much as any one that Henderson was so injured and I wonder if that is why he came over to him.

      I also think Forest played extremely well and as you say if they had taken their chances they would have won. I still expect Forest to be in the top four at the end of the season. There was lots of good football in the game and both teams tried to attack which as you say is refreshing.

  6. PS - I think Cox simply came over as it was the right thing to do; irrespective of whether there was contact. He's a decent bloke and certainly does not have a malicious streak. Having said that, he was inept on Saturday and should have been subbed much earlier - i.e. I don't see him through rose tinted glasses! ;o)

