
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Ings and Vokes should celebrate if they score against AFCB

Undoubtedly, there are one or two pictures that AFCB fans don't want to see on Saturday - a big smile on the face of Danny Ings or Sam Vokes for starters. I won't be pleased if any Burnley player scores, unless they score an own goal. But I can't sit in the fence for this one. There is an unwritten law it seems in football that former players should not celebrate their goals when they score against former teams. I might not be popular here, but it's my opinion that if either Vokes or Ings score I do not begrudge them their goal celebration to be any less enthusiastic than if they had scored against Leicester, QPR or Nottingham Forest. Goals are to be enjoyed and I don't subscribe to the let's be respectful, because I used to play for that club. 

When players arrive at an old ground where they have played before they will receive a bit of banter from the locals. No fans want a former player to come back and haunt them. The fans also know that to score against your old club is something special for many players. In some ways it breaks the old ties and yet the memories of playing for your previous club will always be there. I know it is respectful not to celebrate to those supporters who used to cheer you on when you scored for them, but we all know the shirt the players wear now. Times move on and while it is important where you start and the early opportunities you are given, the club that pays your wages are the only ones that you play for on the day. After the match you can show respect by shanking hands and talking with past team mates. 

Let's face it. If Danny Ings or Sam Vokes put their opening shot in row z, AFCB fans will give them plenty of stick for it. I hope that Burnley's players don't even get close enough to have a shot. 

I believe most fans at AFCB know that Vokes and Ings enjoyed their time at Bournemouth and that they are probably pleased that AFCB are doing well in the Championship. Who wouldn't want to come back and play at one of their former clubs? I bet they both want to score a hat-trick as well to show how good they are. It's down to AFCB's players to stop them though. If the Cherries can do that it will be a great achievement not to have lost to such a good team both home and away this season.

What I will say is that if AFCB win the game and score against Burnley, our fans will go bananas and enjoy the moment more than most other matches in this Championship season. Burnley FC would be high on the hit list for AFCB fans wherever they were placed in the division, but as the Clarets are doing so well this season that they are an even bigger scalp. Even if Ings or Vokes score one and we have to watch their celebration for that I won't mind if the Cherries go on to get a home win

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