
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Should the Cherries be better at set-pieces?

I am not sure why AFCB's players are not able to score more frequently from set-pieces. Even Simon Francis' very low stooped headed goal against Bolton was not as probably quite set up as Francis would have expected. A flick on from the near post was probably the initial aim but Francis saw an opportunity to score and he took it.
AFCB players have been slow to master free-kicks and corners in the Championship.
Eddie Howe has talked about the great deliveries that AFCB's players are putting in the box and the team does have some special players that know how put balls in danger areas. Ritchie, Harte and Francis are particularly good at whipping balls in. What has not been happening is players committing themselves to getting on the end of crosses.

Eddie Howe comments: "Well we've been on at the lads, all of them to score more goals from set-pieces. We feel we've got good delivery.. Matt Ricthie, Ian Harte and today Harry Arter put some great balls in and we don't seem to be very good at attacking that ball...
Getting the run on defenders for set pieces is perhaps a target for training this week.
"Individually it's about making good runs, timing your runs and being brave and attacking the ball and then it's about the delivery. But the delivery we feel is very good. So it's a case of working on that one thing and that's what we need to do better."

I don't see why AFCB players can't score more from set-pieces. As Willo has been saying, the corners and free-kicks are a great chance to get a free header in and to have a shot on goal. Our defenders go up for set-pieces but rarely get anything on target. 

I do think you have to be brave attacking the ball in the air and it might be that AFCB could do with more work on their heading. While it is not the way AFCB like to play for most of the game I see no harm in adding something to a player's game that could give your team a goal. Yann Kermorgant can I am sure add that to AFCB's game if other players can start finding him in the box.

AFCB's success rate at scoring from corners is still pretty low. The short corner seems more favourable than most and yet it has usually ended up breaking down without AFCB even getting a shot off. Sometimes I feel it would be nice just to get the ball in the box and a few new corner routines would be time well spent on the training ground. When you see the amount of goals that Leicester and QPR manage from such opportunities, I have to say it is an area where AFCB can improve. It is good to notice such things as it gives the team something to work at and target in future performances. When it comes off like last weekend, then as well and the celebrations are all the better because of the hard work that has been put in.

ALL Departments has released Episode 13 of the podcast, Mick's Blessing. Michael Dunne chats with popular photographer Mick Cunningham - visit All Departments website or scroll down the right hand panel on Cherry Chimes until you can click and listen on the sound bar.

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