
Monday 30 June 2014

Should Pitman be keen on Rotherham move?

We have heard from various blogs and in particular the Vitals site that Pitman is in demand by Rotherham as a potential striker for them this coming season. While I can see why the Millers would be looking at such a player who has been a fierce finisher in League One but has not had that many opportunities in the Championship, I wonder whether Brett should see it as a good move to progress his career?
Brett is one of several players who will want to play more next season.
At 26 Brett is about to reach the age when he should be at the height of his career. He is at a good Championship club but is not getting many starting opportunities and Eddie Howe is already looking for a further replacement for Lewis Grabban. That probably sends a message to Brett and some others that they may not be quite the striker that the manager wants in his team or that they simply have to wait until they get a chance.

If Rotherham have an interest in him and put in an acceptable bid it could well be tempting for him to get more game time at this newly promoted club that could of course do better than AFCB next season. I don't think us fans really appreciate that such decisions are very personal and involve an amount of risk taking whether you stay or go. A loan move is also possibly on the cards for Pitman if he is unhappy at AFCB, but I would be keen to move permanently if a club at the same level as where I was playing wanted me to be their striker and could offer a starting place. But I'll just say that Brett's record in his second period at the Cherries is 24 goals in 45 appearances. While many of those are at League One, it is a good record.
Brett will have to ask himself if he really believes
he can play a bigger part at AFCB.
Whatever Rotherham's intentions it is Brett that has some thinking to do this summer and I think that is true even if this story is not a real goer for him. His return to AFCB started so well with the goal scoring run he had at the end of the 2012-13 season. His lack of pace though seems destined to keep him out of the side in the Championship and, while his finishing has always been of the highest level, there may be little more that he can do at AFCB to prove that he is worth a place in the team. This would indicate that the door would be open for him to move and he could yet prove to be a perfect fit at another Championship club.

World Cup Chimes reports on Netherlands comeback against Mexico and a penalty shoot out in the Greek v Costa Rica match sees Costa Rica through.

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