
Tuesday 23 December 2014

Yann just needs a goal

I did not think I would hear myself saying this so soon after Yann Kermorgant hit a wonder goal against Ipswich and a sensational free kick against Cardiff in two recent league games, but he just needs to hit the back of the net to restore a bit of order to his game. Yann has always been a smart finisher and his conversion of chances has been pretty good in a Cherries' shirt but of late he has seen golden opportunities go begging against Liverpool and now Blackpool, while Eddie Howe has chosen to keep Brett Pitman ahead of him in the first 11 for the last two league matches.
Yann is seeing a few chances fly by at the moment
but it would be great if he nets again soon. 
That is not to say that AFCB supporters have not wanted Yann to start games. Some of his flicks and tricks have not been as fluent or successful in the early games of this season and he is probably trying to find a consistent level of performance that will see him back into the starting team. Finding that though only comes with working at your game and impressing Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall. As we have seen that is even harder when the starting 11 keeps winning games. 

Yann does offer something that none of the other strikers have though. He is an instinctive forward that can play other strikers through with passes that seem unimaginable and he can also hit shots first time without hesitation and very accurately. In fact, when he has had more time to go around keepers or see a bit target to hit is when he has just erred on the side of inaccuracy of late. He'll turn it around though and when he does the Cherries will be even more or a problem for other teams.

Yann never seems to have been out of the team for long and I like the way that Eddie Howe is making everyone work really hard for that place in the team at the moment. It is likely though that Yann will come on during one of the next few matches and show that he can score a hat full of goals in a game. He has done it before and I am hoping that a few more chances fall his way in the next few games as the crowd is really behind him as can be told by the chanting for him. He is perhaps the only AFCB player who is not in devastating form at the moment.

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