
Wednesday 23 December 2015

This Cherries side never give up

Being pegged back in games is now something that AFCB have been getting used to. The quick starts to games often get them that all important lead in games and while Man Utd and WBA have found ways to get back on level terms it has not done them any good in the long run when taking on the Cherries. 

Fight backs are probably more rewarding than anything else in games. Certainly the Everton match will be one of the games that fans will look back on and say that it was one of the best points earned this season. Not wanting to fold and look back disappointed after a game is something that a team always goes out on to the pitch hoping to avoid. It takes courage though to deliver when you've just conceded and not to let it affect the positive things you were doing  before.
Dan Gosling made a great late burst to win the penalty that saw AFCB home against WBA.
This AFCB team really does dig its heels in. There have been games when they just have not been able to pull back the opposition but you'll never see this side give up on the task no matter how insurmountable it may seem. We are lucky to have a group of players that love playing for the club so much and I am sure the players feel our appreciation for what they are doing at the moment.

It is that kind of support that the players get from the fans that makes them want to go again and to try and get the win when they have been pulled back. Steve Cook made some great tackles and a headed clearance late on in the WBA game that were just his way of doing everything he could to stop the opposition from getting ahead. Artur Boruc too was still trying to claw the ball back out of the net even when WBA had scored. It's that kind of determination not to give in that has started to see AFCB rewarded with more points as they retrieve games from precarious positions at times. 

Some will say it is the luck evening itself out, but I'm glad teat the players are starting to get a bit more reward for their plucky play.

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