
Tuesday 11 October 2016

Afobe can't settle for second best if he wants to be the star

The lack of games for Benik Afobe is something that he may not like, but might have gotten used to at AFCB. I hope he hasn't expected to see Callum Wilson and Josh King's name on the first team ahead of his every week. Benik has to be hungry to step in and get his own Premier league in the fast lane, and that means he has to be banging in the goals in training as well as when he wins any moments on the pitch. 
Benik Afobe can still make an impact this season.
It is hard to push you way into AFCB's team now. The starting places don't change regularly and the pattern is set fairly early on for the season ahead. But injuries and suspensions will cause changes and the bigger plan for Benik Afobe has to be to play his part as soon as possible. He can watch Callum Wilson and Josh King clock up the minutes from the sidelines, but this can't be what he wants out of his move from Wolves. He has to find belief from within that he can do a better job than those ahead of him. 

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When he arrived at the Cherries he couldn't stop scoring. He scored unusual goal as well and his style was difficult for defenders to deal with. Yet, he has not had a run in the team for a long while now. There has been no partnership for him to build his place in the side and while he may seem to be the plan B for the manager it should be Benik's ambition to be a plan A. There is a danger of players being left behind when others get a consistent run in the side and there are one or two players that are seeing this season move on quicker than their ability to get starts. Yes, the FA Cup will give these players something to think about come January, but Eddie Howe may well also play stronger sides in such competitions now, having seen the performance when Preston beat the Cherries in the English Football League Cup.

So the number of games Benik and a few others get between now and January will have a major influence on how their season is likely to pan out. Benik has to perhaps be a little more eager in his desire to get ahead and show why he should be playing. AFCB need to see that whenever he gets on the pitch. Nobody can shout louder than Benik Afobe's feet for Benik Afobe - I hope he starts to see that.


  1. Afobe was bought as cover until Wilson became fit and he will become another one of a disasterous transfer policy undertaken by the club...whoever makes these decisions needs careful scrutiny.

    If one looks at the players acquired since being promoted it has been a chapter of disaster


    Only King can be considered successful ..most of last years has been
    shipped out...and I suspect most of this years will be too

    It needs explanation

  2. What the world you on about Tomlin got most of money back and was his attitude Murray was emergency but kept us up with his goals with exception of atsu and iturbe which language was to much of a barrier they are all excellent covers and I think king and grabben easily deserve to have a chance in the first team king scores goals and despite what people say grabben holds the ball does important passes to strikers and not afraid to take a shot something they all need learn

  3. If research had been done properly the powers that be would have known there was a language barrier and not have brought them in..and the point you make is that these players have been brought in as cover...I think with the prices that have been paid they need to be to improve the playing eleven and not as cover..the fact that Tomlin was sold for some money does not disguise the fact he should not have been bought in the first place.

    According to reports Brad Smith was outstanding for Australia against Japan..I wander how close he is to replacing Daniels...I doubt he will get a kick in the first team before the FA Cup.

    The list of players bought after a season and a half and the impact on the first team is negligible and a complete and utter waste of money..and it must be the best part of 60-70 million pounds wasted...

    You can put money on it there will be an exodus come January as the players will be fed up not getting a fair chance..Ake has stated publicly he is fed up..he was good enough to play 28 games in the premiership for Watford but not good enough to play for us...why did we get him on loan in the first place..and can someone explain to me
    why Bournemouth cannot play in the U23 Premier League or were not invited....

    I see our U18's lost to Newport County who are bottom of the pile....if these lads cannot cut it against them whats the point of having anybody who could get into the first team

  4. Yes Alan, because no team ever has made a bad transfer, we're just a new breed of terrible. Or do you forget that we stayed up last season? Eddie knows what he's doing.

  5. Its not a question of making good or bad transfers..its a question that these players do not get a chance to prove it one way or the other....whats the point of bringing in players unless they are going to improve the first team....and noone knows ..Lewis Cook was voted Championship player of the year and has played two matches this week for England U20..not Ibe who was not called up to U21's..and he is not even getting on substitutes bench....should he be frustrated..of course he should be as I suspect is Ake...who must be furious he is not playing....its not as if the team has stopped leaking goals....Brad Smith had rave reviews for his performance in Australia...will he be replacing Daniels.....don't be silly....

    Its an irrelevancy we stayed up last season...we have a youth team who cannot beat Newport County or Exeter....the back room staff is full of ex Bournemouth players and there appears noone who is going to break into the first team squad anytime soon...contrast that with the youth set up at Southampton....we do not play in the Premier U23 league...and no-one can tell me why..if we need to upgrade the academy then stop spending millions on players who have no chance of playing and invest in the resources necessary.

    Its not the managers money...but 60-70m spent and these players don't play needs serious questioning

  6. We need to give these new players a chance. Daniels has been poor this season so can't believe he is keeping Brad smith and Mings out of the side. Lewis cook sounds like he is back off to Leeds.

    Afobe seems to lost his attacking style. Perhaps it's been trained out of him?

    Let's hope for some squad rotation in the next few weeks!

