
Thursday 13 October 2016

Steve Cook can set his targets high this season

The departure of Tommy Elphick to Aston Villa in the summer, and the shifting of Simon Francis' position to central defence has been almost a seem less transition, but it has been helped by the stable performances of Steve Cook who has adapted to the changes in personnel without any demise in his own game.

Steve Cook shows the progression that players can make at AFCB. 
It is hard when watching Steve Cook to imagine anyone else playing with his confident stride, taking the ball from Artur Boruc, and setting AFCB's stall out for another move from the back. He has been at the Cherries for getting on for five years now and his progression as a player has been magnificent, just like one or two others in the squad. League One football and the Championship had their own challenges for Steve, but he overcame those steps and is pushing on now in the Premier League. In the seven games of this season he has been able to be selected for every game, and the fact that very little has been written about him is more to do with his untroubled performances that have not gone unnoticed by the manager or the supporter that recognises Steve putting his head in where others would think twice.

The future for Steve is now what he makes it. There is a new England manager and with the likes of Jack Wilshere now at the Cherries there is every reason to believe that Gareth Southgate will be looking to visit Dean Court. He might well be looking at the Arsenal player but may well find that there are a few players in this Bournemouth side that are showing more consistency and Steve Cook comes at the top of that table for me - well, at least of the outfield players - Boruc has been something else.

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What do you need to get noticed though as a top central defender? Steve may not be the biggest but he wins headers in both boxes, plays out well from the back and can make telling passes, but what gives him an edge is that this season he has been happy to take on responsibility of his own performances. He has been like a rock at the back. I think his solid play has also helped Simon Francis to play with a calmer attitude, and together they are just beginning to find that the Premier League is not such a big step up for them now.

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