
Friday 10 February 2017

Cheeky Arter is just who AFCB need in a scrap

While it would usually be a moment of great joy to see Harry Arter tuck away a Premier League goal, it was in rather unfortunate circumstances that he got off the mark this season. Arter was not celebrating too much as the score was 5-3 to Everton at the time, but you have to admire his tenacity at seeing the ball over the line.
Arter is rolling his sleeves up.
Everton fans will no doubt be angry that it was not disallowed as the ball did veer very near and perhaps over the goal line, but it was extremely difficult to see with any certainty and I was just glad that goal line technology does not extend all the way along the back line. Harry showed a good deal of agility and nifty footwork to tickle the ball from its precarious position, by the post though, to drag it out from under his feet and back around the right side of the post, to nick it into the goal. While I am sure most of the AFCB fans were delighted for Harry, it was a bit late in the day for further goals and celebrations were muted.

Harry had a good game though and his shooting could well have brought Bournemouth back into the game sooner when he brought out a cracking save from Joel, following a corner. That shot was rocketing at speed towards the top left hand corner of the goal, and if it had gone in I think it would have possibly changed the outcome of the game as in that period AFCB were dominant.

What I think we will see from Harry though now is more of the on the site shooting. He has been holding back a bit, and that is probably why it has taken him a while to get on the score sheet. But Arter has a stinging shot which is among the hardest to stop, so I'm expecting him to get a couple of more goals before the end of the season, and with a little more yardage added to them than the goal he netted at Goodison to get him off the mark. 

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