
Monday 11 September 2017

AFCB are no where near they want to be

It is not just the league position and the failure to pick up points that are a concern for Eddie Howe, it's the fact that the team is not performing to the standards set. Even more concerning is that it's not just one section of the team that is under performing, it's in every part of the pitch.
A bad start t the season, but it is recoverable.

Having had a good pre-season and injuries that have been clearing up, it is had to put a finger on what exactly has happened for the performances to be so down. Down they are though and the gap can't be allowed to grow any further from teams that AFCB aims to be ahead off at the end of the season. It's not nice being near the foot of the table, but at least everyone is aware that an effort is needed to turn things around.

The physical energy of the team doesn't appear to be at the right level and for AFCB to press teams they have to be at their optimum in terms of physical work rate. A couple of notches off of their best and AFCB look to be unable to compete. If the energy levels can go up, I expect we will see the true AFCB.

Quick passing and movement is usually a quality of the Cherries that we see in every game. But if this is taken away, they do get stuck in midfield. There has been little in the way of an outlet for Bournemouth to get into games as of yet and most of the football has been played in Bournemouth's own half.

While it won't be as easy as clicking a switch to get AFCB performing well, these are experienced Premier League players that know the level they need to perform at and their manager has had to stand up and take the wrap for the performances so far. The players should been keen to pay him and the fans back.


  1. Maybe there is an area of complacency after last season....and these may be the reasons:-

    1..The manager has surrounded himself with too many friends and ex colleagues

    2..Too many players are over 30 and the core of the promotion team has not been replaced

    3..The idea of Defoe and King scoring a bonanza of goals has not happened and maybe they are taking something from each other..and the idea of recruiting a 36 year old seems risky...with three other forwards..Mousset /Afobe and Richards not getting a look in
    (injuries I am aware)

    5.Players are speaking nonsense particularly Arter

    6.The refusal to play Lewis Cook seems more and more a mystery...something is wrong there and there appears to be a personality clash..because hwn he did play last year he added something

    7..We appear to miss Stanislaus

    8...Time to have a major reshuffle but unsure the manager can do that...

    9.I think one needs to look at the top of the club...where is Jeff Mostyn..(is he still unwell) and why did the young Russian directors step down and are they being replaced

    10.THe Crystal Palace manager has been sacked with a similar record than our manager...how much time will he be given...well if there is not a win against Brighton then I am afraid its time to say thank you but time for a change

  2. What a load of tripe Alan. Yes we've not performed and yes a bit of rotation may be needed but point 10 is absurd. A top half finish last year speaks for itself. To suggest a proven manager should go after 5 games is ridiculous. I'd like to see us raise our levels but only the most cynical and negative of people would say that we can't turn this around, or that we haven't faced similar in the recent past and proved the doubters wrong. Let's get behind the team. Can't wait for Friday. Brighton will be up for it but we will be too. UTCIAD

  3. Points 8 and 10 are rubbish. Eddie is still learning. Even if we are relegated, Eddie stays.

