
Monday 11 September 2017

Eddie takes the blame

Ultimately, the responsibility for AFCB's performances do rest with the manager and Eddie Howe is not shirking that responsibility. He fully understands that the team has not been good enough over the four games they have played not only by bring unlucky, but more importantly by not being fully prepared mentally and physically. The question we all want to know is why hasn't the team performed to its ability?
Eddie is happy to take the blame when the whole team fails to perform.
"I have to be responsible for what we have given this season.I don't think we have given a true representation of the ability of the squad and it's up to us to re-find that very quickly," said Eddie Howe after the Arsenal defeat.

There are no excuses and it was the culmination of all the players being off their game that caused Eddie to come out with the comments he made. Whether that causes a reaction from the players is something we will see on Friday against Brighton. But Howe clearly feels that he doesn't want the players to be taking all the heat for the lack of points at this stage on the season.
AFCB know what brings success in the premier league and they know when they are coming up short in games. While training is said to be good, at least from what Jermain Defoe has to say, there is clearly a problem come match day. The fans can be less critical of defeats to Arsenal and Man City than WBA and Watford, but when a team gets on a run of defeats the rot has to be stopped quickly. Yet, we are seeing failings in the back line with balls straight through the middle and very little intensity going forward.

Even by putting Nathan Aké in midfield during the second half against Arsenal and by bringing Sion Francis into the game, Bournemouth looked prone to conceding. I fear that Howe has not got too many options to freshen up the side, but he has to keep looking for the right combination of players to find a way of picking up performances. It is a conundrum, but as Eddie says: "it can be re-found very quickly. But first we have to get our game right and our head right."

We can ascertain from this assessment that Eddie is confident that AFCB will get through this sticky period. 

The Daily Mail brings the Verdict.


  1. There appears to be many things going wrong at the club...many of which are unexplained:-

    1.Why did the young Russian dircetors stand dowm
    2.What has happened to Jeff Mostyn
    3.Why oh why isn't Lewis Cook being given a chance to start
    4.Its rumoured there is discontent with the players...

    Brighton is a must win game and a draw is no good...and if the win doesn't happen then alarm bells will be ringing and very loud indeed....relagation will be odds on and maybe after five games its too soon to talk about a change of manager if after ten games there is no improvement..a change at the top must regretfully be on the cards....

    The big questions are is Josh King a one season wonder...was DEfoe a big mistake....

    Is Howes stubborness to chnage the team his achilles team and is the core of the team getting old together and wholesale changes needs making...are there too many of the managers friends in too many positions in the club to argue for change....

    One other point....we have a number of players out on loan who simply are not playing..Surridge at Yeovil for example comes on a substitute...if we give out players on loan the stipualtion must me they play ..regularly...otherwise what is the point of loaning them...

    Very difficult times

  2. When we lost at home to Watford (who are a very different proposition this year) it was always odds-on we would be pointless after four games. This was compounded by Man City and Arsenal both needing to come back after adverse games - and Bournemouth were in the firing line.
    Which is not to excuse lack of goals or indeed chances, but let's remember that we did at least give De Bruyne, Silva and co a good run for their money. It is also ridiculous to suggest the team is too old.
    Also worth mentioning that Stanislas has been a bigger miss than appreciated by fans or media.

