
Thursday 30 November 2017

Where's AFCB's creativity gone?

The goalless draw against Swansea and last night's performance against Burnley has left AFCB fans wondering what has happened to the creative side that was so good going forward last season? The personnel has not changed that much, but the incisive passing and seamless movement has been severely lacking, and it's no surprise that Eddie Howe can say that the best is still to come even after the recent run of undefeated games in November.
Bournemouth need better delivery. 
We had a flourish against Huddersfield when Bournemouth put four goals away, but it simply hasn't continued in that manner and questions have to be asked why? At half time against Burnley AFCB had not had a shot on target, and just six off target and two corners. The ball just wasn't in Burnley's box enough. When Lewis Cook got on the field though there was a pick up in the way Bournemouth carried the ball and looked for positive passes. It was too little too late and it is frustrating for fans why Eddie Howe continues to rely on Ibe and Arter when they have not really delivered consistently. Howe made the changes eventually, but there is good reason for giving Fraser and Lewis Cook starts and the manager has to see that the solid, but uncreative, balance of the side has to change now.

King's goal was the first shot that Bournemouth had on target against Burnley. Yes, Burnley are a good side who make it difficult for teams to get to their keeper, but the inactivity of Pope in the Burnley goal really underlined how blunt the Cherries were in front of goal. Excitement in the last 10 minutes is not really enough to win games and I'm starting get annoyed that Bournemouth are not starting games well enough and unless they start to attack with fluency in the early part of games they are likely to find they fall behind to hardworking teams, who can easily shut the door on the Cherries' weak and at times haphazard passing. It's not often that AFCB are shown up to be short on quality, but the last two games have been a big eye opener. 

Eddie Howe needs to reevaluate his best side because he hasn't found it yet.

Cherry Chimes match report of AFCB v Burnley on Ask Fans

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  1. We haven't shown any consistantly good technical OR fighting form at any time this season! It's getting rather boring to hear Eddie claiming "a hard to take" performance and saying " it's not like us". This season the boring, slow, non-creative style has been VERY much the norm!

    IMO much of that has been caused by poor pre-season organisation. We did not arrange to play even one team where we were required to roll up the sleeves and fight! Instead of playing the likes of Millwall, Leeds, West Brom, Stoke, etc. etc. we played tippy, tappy technical teams like Napoli.

    It's been evident since the start of the season that not only have we have been lacking in 'creativity' but there has been no attempt by us of coming out of the blocks and earning the right to play! Eddie has moaned on several occasions about our lack of creativity but hasn't done anything to change it. Last night, exactly the same... It's unbelievable that he selected exactly the same 4-4-2 last night that has been failing all season!

    At long last, he's going to have to do something about it because this has now come to a head! Much like Ake's experience at the start of last season, Eddie had the solution in the reserves but didn't give Ake a chance until he was forced by circumstances to include him. Exactly the same has been going on this season with Lewis Cook, we have been crying out for 'creativity' and Eddie has only talked the talk instead of walking the talk. Now he is going to forced by circumstances to include the most creative midfielder in the ranks because this can't continue!

    Surman and Arter have not opened up any defence of any team we have come up against this season! Our form against Newcastle and Huddersfield wasn't much better than very ordinary but we got 'lucky' which papered over the cracks! Now that luck has reverted to normal and reflects the poor form we have shown going right back to the start of the season. We are also far too slow in moving the ball forward from the wings and have been all season. Both Ibe and Pugh slow down any chance of us making the most of a counter attack. The likes of Fraser, Mahoney and Hynderman should now be given a chance, alongside Lewis Cook, to see if they can bring a fresh impetus to our attacking play. We have been in this situation before and we have got out of it... but we can't keep on riding Lady Luck! The team is not only badly in need of of some serious strategic strengthening... Eddie's motivation via loyalty techniques, also need a serious look at!

  2. You have it right..Lewis Cook should be a regular starter and why dont we give Hyndman a go..if he doesn't play how will we know if he is up to it.....I dont think Fraser is the answer..what about Mahoney..lets give youth a chance...

    Maybe Arter is being turned by transfer speculation...and his brain is somewhere else..frankly I am fed up with his inane comments viz World Cup etc...

    Too many over 30's and we have to look at the players with recurring injuries long term...MIngs and Stanislaus......so needs to be a reshuffle ..sell Arter/Afobe/Grabban get in £30m and spend wisely

