
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Is time running out for Afobe?

There have been plenty of clubs linked with Benik Afobe as a potential target, but Eddie Howe has stated that Benik is part of his plans at AFCB. It is interesting that Eddie says that and yet I can't say that Afobe's game has really come on since he joined the Cherries. To me Afobe is stuck in between being the player he was at Wolves and trying to fit into a style of play at Bournemouth that still seems a bit foreign to him.
Is Afobe suited to AFCB's type of build up play?
The last game Afobe had against Wigan was one where he could have given Howe a problem for this next Arsenal game, but we didn't see very much from AFCB's big number nine, even if he did have 70 minutes on the pitch. While Afobe might be seen as a plan B, he has to offer something a bit different to the other strikers and while I think he is most effective in the box, he hasn't always found that 'coming alive' feeling when the ball is near him in goal scoring positions. That predator instinct was seen at Championship level but I'm not sure if he has it at this level.

The way in which he wins so many defensive headers well in Bournemouth's own box would make you think he could score more headed goals, but I struggle to remember many apart form one he got at Crystal Palace a couple of seasons ago. I am sure that Afobe has learnt a lot since he has been at Bournemouth, but it is surely time that he started knowing his own game better and what he can do well. I'm not sure he really thinks he can be as good as some of the other strikers, simply as he does not know what he can do best to get goals. If Afobe knew himself better I believe it would help him and his confidence, but trying to make him something he is not could have put him back a step or two from what he was doing at Wolves.
Such a problem may be working its way through to Afobe and with managers seeing that he is not getting a good many games, it's possible that someone could have a punt on him this window. Whether Bournemouth is a good fit for Afobe though is not yet clear. It may be a challenge that Howe doesn't want to give up on, but surely time is passing by quickly now for Afobe to make a name for himself at AFCB. 


  1. In North America, especially for baseball, we have a term: "soft hands". Describes a player's ability to catch a ball by absorbing the energy of the moving ball into the player's arms. The opposite is "board hands" - where the ball regularly clanks off the player's glove. It is said that you are born with soft hands, it cannot be taught, although drills do exist. Ever since Benik arrived, it seemed to me that he had "board feet". He is athletic enough to get into good position, but his first touch is often weak. Not sure if that is a teachable skill.
    Toronto John.

  2. I agree with you totally! I've never thought Afobe was as good as people say - he's always just that minute too slow.....

  3. He wastes far too many chances. Few intelligent runs, few chances created and above All, very few tangible goals to show for it. I think his time is up. Cal, jermain, and joshie will always be ahead in the pecking order.

