
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Pugh and Ibe show their worth

It's funny how our perception of players changes when we see the alternatives. The match against Wigan was a good example of how valuable fitness is to AFCB's squad when they are doing all they can to stay with the Premier League elite. AFCB needed to make changes for the FA Cup and I expect most fans would agree with Eddie's decision this season, but it was very evident that in the end Howe had to turn to his first team players to rescue the tie.
Pugh is still turning it on when AFCB most need him.
It's important that we recognise the part that Jordan Ibe and Marc Pugh made to the Cherries revival against Wigan. They were both able to make the assists that led to the two Bournemouth goals and they found that bit extra when the team needed it. It is probable that neither Pugh or Ibe are Eddie's first choices on the wings when Junior Stanisals and Ryan Fraser are available, but they do play with understanding.
Jordan Ibe is on form but can more of AFCB's players start performing?
What Bournemouth have not found this season though is a rhythm, as Eddie likes to call it, that can last 90 minutes. Bournemouth's best performances have mainly been reactionary this season, hanging in against a superior foe like Man Utd. But Wigan were not superior as a league One team and AFCB failed to put their dominance down early on the game which only emboldened Wigan.

For AFCB to function well it is imperative that the wide men do break through defences and cause problems and while Benik Afobe looked ineffectual as a striker through the middle, it was clever of Howe to play to Bournemouth's strengths by half time and get Pugh and Ibe on. Who would have thought that Ibe would have been a strength a few weeks ago? To me it shows how things can change, and even those who right off Benik Afobe now could find that he has a part to play in keeping AFCB up come next May.

Not every player can seize their chance when the moment comes, but Ibe and Pugh did nothing to harm their cause and let's just hope a few more players can do well when called upon in the next few months. 

It's time we all got behind our players and gave them our full support as we don't know who the next heroes will be but any player who runs out in a red and black shirt has worked hard to earn that right and we should try and give them the best platform we can to perform on. I'd say there were a couple who were perhaps not ready on Saturday to be at their best, but I bet none of them wanted to go 0-2 down. UTCIAD!

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