
Tuesday 21 August 2018

A totally different feeling for AFCB

Steve Cook put his thoughts onto video after the West Ham match and managed to capture the excitement and pleasure in Bournemouth's performance. He has been with the team for many years now and as he says 'the atmosphere in the group is very different from last year'.
Steve Cook scores to put AFCB in new territory - two wins in two games.

I was very intrigued to hear him say that. The players at Bournemouth have come together much more over the summer it appears and have really embraced the Premier League this time as if they have unfinished work after last season. The fresh face of David Brooks and the determination of some players to keep their place in the starting 11 has had a very positive impact on how the team has been playing. The signing of Brooks already looks like it is a master signing, and with a new player doing well it has lifted the games of others.

For once we are not talking about sloppy defensive mistakes abut are looking positively at how many AFCB can score and whether they could have slotted away more goals as they have been creating the chances. That was particularly abundant at West Ham in an away game which makes me wonder what can Bournemouth do in a home game if they hit the game with as much positivity as we saw against Olympic Marseilles a month ago?
The club has not seen such a good start for a few seasons now and yet Eddie Howe seems to know that when his team get on a roll they can be unplayable. The balance of the team might just be getting to the point where we are seeing a side that can fight back from adversity and also win games from being on the front foot from the off. If Bournemouth are always in games then we can expect the points to accumulate quite fast.

It is surprising how things can snowball when they are going well and in previous seasons AFCB have always had spells when they have shown they can live with the best teams in the division. Yet, self doubt has always led to dips in form against teams when the players have not really shown up.

This season has started well and the buzz going around AFCB may help the players keep the wins coming and, if that happens, it will be great to see all the players just enjoying playing for AFCB without worrying about how other teams are doing or how close to the bottom three the team is. This is starting to shape up like it could be a very different kind of season for AFCB and that excites me.

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