
Wednesday 22 August 2018

AFCB - a stadium update would be nice

In the last few days I have heard from a few fans that want to hear about what is happening to the proposed new stadium in Kings Park. I kind of want to know myself as well and with the club having said they would respond once the season started they seem keen to hang on to what information they might have about a new Dean Court.
Is no news good news?

I did contacted the club and also Stadimax this week to see if I could get any information about the situation. I did get a quick reply from the club, but I'm no further forward than I was before I asked. Getting information out to the supporters is important, but this is time sensitive information and decisions are made by committee which lead to delays and no clarity until all parties agree on everything.

It would still be of great assistance to the fans if some kind of timeline could finally be given for the project or some clarity on whether it has been 'kicked in the long grass', as the Bournemouth Echo like to put it. We don't even know the potential size of the capacity that a new stadium would hold yet, even if initial estimates were for a 25,000 seat stadium. But will that include a proposal for safe standing as well? The only information we do have is that the site is expected to be where the athletics stadium is in Kings Park, which means a new site for an athletics stadium really would have to be found as well.

Discussions have also centred around the parking, road infrastructure and the potential of a park and ride scheme. I don't believe the project is as simple as the fans or club would like it to be. But the initial time line of a new stadium in 2020-21 is starting to look more than a little ambitious. We can only hope progress on the plans have been going on in the background. Spurs have found that a big stadium can be built in just over a year, but they still have teething issues and trial runs to do to finish their safety certificates and delays tend to go hand in hand with these things when there are not extra issues around the site.

I'm hoping this post will stir AFCB into come clean with more details on what is happening either good or bad, so that fans can hopefully have the comfort that some of the club's Premier League money is going into a new stadium for future generations and to take the club to the next level. UTCIAD!


  1. I've heard from a good source that the stadium is doubtful. I think in the case no news is bad news. There is no-one within the club driving this project

  2. I feel the club are not forthcoming with information in many areas.
    The decision to not give season ticket holders the opportunity to buy a ticket for their designated seat is an example of taking supporter s for granted. The website is bland and not up to Premiership quality.

