
Monday 1 April 2019

Robbie Savage when were you last in Bournemouth?

Robbie Savage got a real dressing down on BBC 5 Live by AFC Bournemouth fan Jean, when Robbie had been asked to name the clubs he would rather kick out of the Premier League to be replaced by the likes of Leeds United, Aston Villa and Derby County. Big grounds and lots of supporters are what the Premier League should be all about scoffed Savage, but he hadn't reckoned on Bournemouth fan Jean calling in and standing up for the likes of Bournemouth, Fulham and Huddersfield Town, who Robbie would quickly replace.
Mr Savage come and see some top-flight football down in Bournemouth.
While Bournemouth do only have a capacity of some 11,500 at most, the club has fought hard to win its place in the Premier League and the only criteria for staying in the Premier League is winning enough points to stay up, there's nothing about the size of your ground in the rules. Still there are those who would believe the well-supported clubs are the clubs that should be in the Premier League. They forget that the underdog is something that gives sport a special place. People want to see the minnow come out on top now and again and you'd never have that if want to see ManUtd v Leeds Utd every week. Financially, there is a massive gulf even between those two clubs, but using the history card is also something that tripped up Savage. He couldn't escape the fact that Huddersfield Town have won more titles that his beloved Derby County or Leeds Utd for instance.

Jean was pleased to put Robbie right in saying that Huddersfield were a bigger club in their day than many of the clubs he feels are the big clubs of today. Huddersfield may have gone down this season, but there are still plenty of so-called 'small clubs' that are over achieving and keeping themselves above the likes of Leeds United and Aston Villa.

If awards were given out for the size of support your club had we might as well give up kicking a ball. History changes as well as time goes on, and the small clubs of today can grow to become bigger clubs once they build upon their success.

It did make me laugh that Robbie Savage may also miss his chance to come down and see Bournemouth in the Premier League, as he hasn't been to Dean Court since 1998, when he says he scored a winner for Carlisle United. Robbie get yourself down to Dean Court and sample the atmosphere of a small ground in the Premier League - you may then understand why so many visiting teams find it hard to beat this south coast club. We may have a small crowd, but we make a lot of noise!


  1. We are a bigger club financially than any Championship Club and had the benefit of four years Premiership money soon to be five and the investment that has brought on the pitch makes it so much harder for the promoted clubs have any likelihood other than to struggle

  2. Robbie Savage is a complete wan ker. Was never a top class player and certainly a crap commentator with second rate BT Sports. As for his stint on SCD - words can't describe his performance. Well they can, but not before the watershed! AFCB are in the EPL because they overcame all the hurdles to win the Championship. STFU Savage.

