
Monday 1 April 2019

Why was Boruc dropped?

If we look at the choices Eddie Howe made for the Leicester match, there is one positional change that will come under more discussion than any other - the goalkeeper. Nobody will question why Gosling was brought back into the team and why Jordan Ibe was dropped. But there is good reason to wonder if it was wise to remove Artur Boruc from the team.
Did Begovic blow his opportunity?
Arter Boruc had not kept a clean sheet in the previous game against Newcastle United and had been slightly out positioned, I suppose, for the free kick goal that Solomón Rondón scored. Was it a big enough mistake to drop Boruc from the team in the next game? I don't think Boruc had done a lot wrong, but I imagine that Begovic did his best in Dubai and might have got into Howe's head with talk about not being happy if he wasn't playing. Howe doesn't buckle easily, but might he have misjudged this situation?

Boruc is now wondering why he was dropped. What has he to do to get back in the team and can Howe really switch back to Boruc again before the end of the season? Howe might have hoped that he wouldn't have to make another decision on his keepers, but Begovic was certainly in part at fault for Leicester City's second goal. Is that a big enough mistake to worry Eddie Howe?

Howe says he has two number one keepers, but to keep changing them every five minutes is not gong to be helpful to the team. There has to be a clear number one and as I stated a few days a go, it may be that neither Boruc or Begovic are really the best keepers that AFCB could get hold of. There are better keepers out there but will AFCB spend again to get a better keeper in?

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1 comment:

  1. Please make an offer for Petr Cech. He plays in a trash team with no. 1 bullshit defenders. Your defenders aren't that good but they don't do howlers and also not blame the goalkeeper for the howler they did. Petr Cech still plays on par with other goalkeepers but no one is actually looking at him that's why people's think that he is past his prime. But he isn't. He has always been on his prime except for 2017/18 season and even in that too, he did some amazing saves.

